preStartJournalEntry20z208191828.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Here I am already feeling threatned about post dakoda sxcummery and one the council coin for food and obviously the extortion allowed by the teaching of it not being unethical black money the protection and only way you living in ones investment property and fall behind on rent payments haveing to give up your girlfriend to suck off the landlord is a unfunny joke right decrepid?! not the quadrapligic drink spiker !? anyhow angst or spite and malcice that k#n+ is the maggotist unreall forget the k#n+ just lucky i listened to the music with Allison and never seen a video clip till i did though iv i had of i would not of bothered listening to the maggotlipped rko dominion though iots the teenage school girls one by one carpark by carpark transfer car to jeep and then im upset again and feel rage when a wobblely chair is the AMEN. bloody powderfiger in my mind not sure of the actual song though steve was playing it in his car today tonight before i came here before kmart and that were i got another 32 more 10cent$ fake watch things that one broke from the initial three i bought the night before though thinking with dave oweing me $250 still of the $401 promised / said for my 30something journals and the printed paintFILE($) that got hacker vandalled anyway with no modification history like my $1 in ANZ that disappeared and so did the transaction record of it going in not just out and disapearing just the "feds" teaching me the dyamics of money and how it has got the xzyst of the blank cheque that rko adopts daily not just the $55k waviered interest though the $15k of every immaagrents $20k visa and promise of a job and a place to rent and yes he wouldnt not provide though this wiaver for a two hour favour hurts me for the girls women that opted for it all because lost contact or jkust hate me anyhow ... ..... paintFILE($)?!!! i went to officeworks today to print these three Shangrilarh relatedd paintFILE($) though i couldnt transfer from one email to a new one of the three i wanted to print four copies of each though yeah was only able to do two different paintFILE($) that i at least got 4 copies of each of and gave one set to my Granny in uftg and one set to Dave and one to Dillon the original two i said id get such copies for as example samples of the paintFILE($) that when unvandalled and were half toleratable there is a count of like over 3000 or 4000 paintFILE($) steming from starting the 6" x 4" 384x576 pixels dimensions at the start of the year 2019.$ the year i met Dave's girlfriend Aleks |censoredd||| anyhow i still feel threatened by low lifes nothing on you tunna sikkunt ( iv the word descrypt may still get usedd _ ... ..... Now, im hearing some voice person saying about communion or church well having a mik and mercying your circle attendees is actual communion iv its a group of drunks at a nightclub egging on a visciouis assault that is a congregation even iv mull is smoked in the dm booths??z and that anyhow think what u want i cant say im a catholic even though its the naxzi religion though im just a fodder DANUIT CHURCH ORDER person anyhow frequeING out GOd knows whomb shows?/z | yes posderfinger thissong that steve was playing ... . like a vynyl and needle pin ? ! i ! i i i ! ||| | | | | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 6:39 PM - FRIDAY - THE 19TH OF AUGUST 20z2 | ||| | | | |