preStartJournalEntry20z212171554.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ok here i am after just getting one of those kfc double tenders from kfc and here in the library waiting for Cat who came and picktd me up from the station by chance calling me before i got on the bus not knowing where or who i was going to see / meet though yeah the kfc burger has heaps of msg on it and didnt have the dodgey cabbage like previous burger from there months or a year almost unsure ago though yeah anyhow here i am at the library waiting for cat (Catrina) anyhow i best save this and then do the LibrarySchool manifest !!! !!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 3.56pm Saturday The 17th of December 20z2 | ||| / | | | |