debt$-DRAFT-manifest-20z21229-$-2-MAINLY-FAMILY-RELATEDd-20z2.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = 35Zpm Thursday December 29th 20z2 | ||| | | | | / ---- - ----------------------- ------------------- --------------- -------------- Tiffany O'Neal - A black rectange tower tin & the over $40/$50 of coin$ inside from back in 1989?1990?before1992?!$!$$$ Rhiannan Brimms - her or her friend $20 or $100 after the gathering party that weekend in November 2002...... Angela - the $65 plus that was spent on a birthday or christmas dragon statue and letter openner that was later theftedd Martin - the $100.00c AUD ($50 ReGiftment & $50 shoe$ money $) that has been converted into a danbank bond $6 already been paid Stephen & Michelle - that flake x2, chip$ & potatoe cake$ & also the $50 ReGiftment Amount @ least from this December 20z2 !!! !!!! Jason - the $50 shoe$ money $ that i need to ask him and see iv he wants to convert it into a danbank bond @ 6 .0 0 % p / a Michael - my death as full payment for the since learnedd from not to thieve/theive-ing/thievedd one or a few of his Simpson's TAZOsz that were returnedd the calandar square i took them out of his folder, ( OTHER SERIES OF TAZOs HAVE ALSO BEEN PAID AS OFFSET