preStartJournalEntry20z211291936.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Ok ! i am @ ringwood library elsewize called REALM though yeah was good enough today to meet this girl with a similar name to my own though yeah just said goodbye to her just before for her to catch her bus so im not a full housefly or whatever closeness too though yeah was good for me hopefully she isn't too phazedd by my ugly mug and defruited(selfdefruited)hair cut anyhow ill save this and make the html index for it to be on though i only had or the computer said i only have 18mins so i think i have like quarter of an hour or so left with me typeing this anyhow i best end the typeing there and save it and do the rest of the neccessary work neededd to have it savedd and as site content so yeah enough from me........ OCD'd TIME STAMP: 7.39pm Tuesday THe 29th of November 20z2 | ||| | | | | /