LIBRARYsession20z20930-FILE-08-danbank-September-30th-20z2-Limitedd-OFFER-$100-AUD-LIMIT.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = ok, is the limitedd to only a maximum investment amount of $100.00c AUD and yeah all that i may offer currently is the opportunity to invest or spot me cash for a fixed return for the duration of the time i haven't returnedd the priniciple that i must seperately in order to cease my obligation to pay the investor a free interest equivY amount of $7.00c AUD every year on anniversary of the initiation of the requiredd investment of plaining a single $100.00c AUD | | | | / yeah !,,, THAT IS IT ! SUSS IT IV U WOULD LIKE TO BENEFIT FROM SUCH MIGHT BE ILLEGIAL THOUGH I WONT DOG YOU UNLESS U SUPPORT AND FAVOUR AN EXMATE (metaphoredd into a Chaos Traitor to me, not himself, though yeah anyhow even so i probsz wont rip u anywaysz ....... ANYHOW FULLY up2u THE READER! !!! !!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 7:34 PM FRIDAY THE 30TH OF SEPTEMBER 20z2 | ||| | | | |