preStartJournalEntry20z209301903.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ok here i am just caught the train back from the city after meeting my criticals and was just on the train msging first my brother then my God Mother's son another brother of another mother re: about this 7.00%p/a danbank boutique limitedd at $100.00c AUD worth investment option to save me some bank fee$ and bs dr interest from spottedd money elsewhere not yet came back yet....... Though yeah anyhow the time is now 706pm and im at the library u may only guess what one and im not stateing only on the bs paranoia bs threat of badhood mindedd arsewipes coming to assault me in any given black spot possible though yeah has to do with that dakota fire that burnedd all the surveillance footage harddrives or whatever though yeah apparently according to psychLink someone diedd in the toilets so it is a case of red rum as well...... anyway ... ..... I best save this and try and start the index manifest from this Library Session so yeah till later ! ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ketchyahh!!! !!!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: 7:078pm - FRIDAY - THE 30TH OF SEPTEMBER 20z2 ( REST IN PEACE JAMES DANGERINK 1980.09.30 - APRIL 2010 ) !!! !!!!!