preStartJournalEntry20z20830_ALPINE.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ ==================== ==== Here I am @ Alpine Lodge & thinking i should call this scenario or sessions at this computer just content for this newly thought of tonight coining name of a folder for my site being just: ALPINEcomputer , ... ..... so, an six8 combination that means supersitiously or ocdingly to be means one the money or spot on etc.... Anyway I am here tonight the only manual and hardish time consumeing "work" i rit down that i need to attempt and complete tonight was taking a photo and transcribe-ing all these 14 pages of this notebook i rit in tonight and there was extent later to a 15th page though yeah ill do that tonight and plan on continueing this @ where im staying "ALPINEcomputer session" tonight to cross over past midnight so i can have the index maniest saved file ending with a theta phi symbol instead of just a 0 and a 1 though yeah anyhow for tonight !!! | | | | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10:012 PM ( LOGGED ON THIS COMPUTER TERMINAL @ 9:55 PM / 9:56 PM ) & YEAH THE DATE / CALANDAR SQUARE IS: TUESDAY THE 30TH OF AUGUST 20z2 | ||| | | | |