Hi ! ok, here i am ~ daniel dawson a 35 year old in the fc = up in the hill$
+|-|= dandenong$ /\/\=1 : 1am - 130am i think all i typedd/communicatedd/msgedd/commentedd/repliedd/sent/respondedd/actioning-that-of-communication-too, was----
I think apart from the chance i may have repliedd to a mate, a good mate, 1 that has me as a nominatedd "GodFather' of his daughter that i hope i live up to and never from or by me ~ is or does she ever get hurt or incorrectly schooledd. ....though yeah other them him, one Thomas Sanuel, there was this one girl whomb tonight i only relizedd had messagedd me and i in-imbellic-stupidity didnt reply or respond & can only think of why being me being "loyal' to the girl i likedd from the newsagent$ two days?/z or calandar/financial squares?/z prior this girl msging me. Anyway i made a 1259am post and then msged this girlsz facebook at the same time and iv not defineately the minute on digital(mobile phone device)'$ clock being 1.00 AM and yeah then went again threw her profile and likedd/angry/upset/woah/?lovedd?not sure though all those alternate "like' options?/z i reactedd to most of her posts then at the bottom of her profile feed i commentedd this half / quarter massive speal to the foundation post of her graduateing from some "toorak' think could be bs, though yeah i already likedd that comment i think prior to tonight so it must of been the girl from the newsagent$ that had me disregard and not follow up or chase this girl who i noticedd tonight in my friend requests?/z i seen the 4w or 4y though thats incorrect i think it was 4w so 4 weeks?/z ago i was friend requested on facebook though yeah thought to myself why not her due to the bit cheesey smileing foreign powderskin that once looking further in/into it/her profile the background/top of profile backdrop/?cover?just the photo u see behind the name not the smaller circle msger 1. Anyway it had a good looking archway ?portal?gate without doors?/z i know as themedd and comes from AsiA though there is a similar (and not sure though think the 1st one i ever seen is the one at the bottom of the 1000 stepsz near where i live sorta , anyway, the 1 @ sassafras i know of the closest similar one is a clean paintedd one though i hate it as the nursery it is in front of ~ not the fact a(the)_ worker or register manning staff personell ? owner?employee person i later fouind out or rememberedd with or without assistance and or thou8ght jogging was my old Scouts coach/boss/leader dude that me and my mate dave ditchedd all because of cleaning up nazi symbols and graph or quotations?/z off the chalk boards?/z that we scribbledd on with methalatedd spirits??Z| anyhow i got when i was with Sarah (my exgirlfriend((and abortedd baby'$ mum))) these two cliche wooden treasure chests without the padlock latch thing and they were like ?$15?$20?$25?think not $30 though price irrevelant as i got 2 and i think i still have 1 though the other one is lost or more likely theftedd by moneybag$ up the street like psychLink informs?/z me of many missing itemsz are locatedd apparently in his "care' as he himself doesn't do the thieveing and like the quote "tou kill junkie$" that apparently he said in relation to paying money for a exnurse?psych-nurse?&physio-university-or-fitness-freak persons/z to make up 5 litres of this ratsakk crystal that although looks?/z like crystal neccessity iv consumedd/usedd it induce$ a stroke, completely defruitedd exprience and those i knew that buntedd(injectedd such) did actual die and covered up as other causes of death. though yeah all bs on psychLink?haunt$?spirit$?being trickster$? who f-ing knows?/z anyway this girl. I hope she readsz this or at least the brief/debrief is communicatedd without the memwarhs??z near bs. ....

! now!! ok!,

Daniel ! today is the 2nd of December 20z2 & psychLink for longer then just this calandar year at least has mentionedd the name or word "summer' more then once and i am hopeing that THIS SUMMER like in meaning the season of summer, the sun, hot days?/z the season occuping Chrsitmas, New Year'$ Eve & the end and start of a new calandar(financial term can't use here as that relates to June30 & July1st) year so yeah......

........ok that is enough from me daniel d||| |||| | | | |


Friday The 2nd of December 20z2 : 2.09am !!! !!!! |||| | | | |