Daniel Dawson Just now ยท Shared with Public sarah im sorry i dont know how u feel or how u are, ive msgedd your boyfriend most of last month and i havent gotten any information regarding your safety and freedom with paranoid (im hopeing) delusions/z like the ECT bs and then more bs being further medical research or legal tamper-ers/z & or dampen-ers/z though yeah i dont know iv im still in the wrong or iv it is right aside psychLink ok-ing the idea of marriage after divorce or seperation not caused by death though yeah i know spite all those times that we did fight and were distant/distance ๐Ÿ™ hopefully you arent feeling that way with thomas though even a response about iv u want these dvd$ and bluray$ though more inportantly are u alive ? dead ? ?did the world or anyone hurt you and no one wants to tell me due to some social expriement or tortureous living nightmare that i have to apathyze in order to not be borderline maroondah requirement ? anyway Sarah iv you can msg me on facebook or my mobile iv i sent it just i dont want months years going past with bs socialist discretion to extent of "oh sorry daniel sarah died when that happenedd or some bs , i need a girlfriend Sarah and like finding one of our heart metal tin boxesz i thought was under my bed with that first ring with the stone that somehow one night was red and then green reminding me heaven almost is reachable on earth though unfortunately this illusion ?magic? happened like proberbly a year ago now when i was trying to check what has been thefted away and what i may still have left of possessions?z i only neededd to due to fact of horde-ing syndrome unrespectors/z thinning out stuff i paid money for , u never threw out my stuff or your own and it is a mental disease of those born in the 70s and 60s that think themes/z that still dont make me feel good about me ditching this science research learning apogee-ing fact im not good enough and will never achieve anything other then being capped by a dragon though yeah thinking pizza mt d sarah (even u tommy) can either of u let me sight u and your ankles soi know its all psychosis bs and me fearing what im told on psychlink the doesnt serve me proveing wrong not just the info that serves me !? anyhow i better go check my site i made a thought funny unfunny address though uyeah suss the site to see it anyhow sarah to fade off with a rhyme at least i got to wake up in a dream still with you there in my bed though contentment elsewhere and next to u no resentment pity i woke up again in my bed alone, though in such crossing dream states?/z i can beleive the psychLinktd information a year prior or so saying the next girl u sleep next to is Sarah & only due to the dream in a dream was it real and true and not bs like when such parametres like psychLink saying "oh tonight you hook up with someone' how in this world its bs and never happens/z though iv lucky i get a kiss like the one memory of this girl on a train not sure iv was ftg or completely made up though only for such technicaltysz does trust and faith built and destroyed my life. anyhow thankyou sarah hopeing all is all good & iv i manage to prove wrong the supressant mantra of no one till your dead (me no one in my life till im dead (in such a way) i hope some full crim bs hasnt happened like your hurt amputeed labeledd unwell persecutedd giving false treatments that are adulterist policy country preservers that ruin heaven on earth like electricity loop holedd the was unpossible enterance and looting of the pyramidsz for example. that bloody ebay gold of ebay from israel. ... anyway i still care about u sarah and my life doesnt weigh iv you get jibbed so yeah i gotta check ptv and try and get this near philanthropizedd money neededd pizza. i know dogging animalsz again. iv only there was chrystaL oil not coconut injection jokes/z sourcedd near and from u, me when on the depot psych injections/z i guess shut up and feel lucky i got near permentant till later pending Tzeentch?change and hurry as i got equivalent full leave and now time is gearing bus times?/z anyhow surprise me sarah. i just thought or requestedd that anubi angel that i only wanted to live and find someone like u at the start iv u were good also and without is algrabra hell. full bs. gotta disconnect | OCD'd TIME STAMP: 7.00pm Friday December 9th 20z2 | ||| | | | | /