We’ve had enough Inbox jimmy@wikipedia.org Unsubscribe Wed, Oct 19, 10:07 AM to me Wikipedia JimmyWales Dear Daniel, You became a Wikipedia supporter in 2019. Thank you! You’ve donated once. This makes you one of the rare exceptions who chooses to support a project that’s helpful to everyone on the planet. Can we count on you again? Please renew your A$2 donation to keep Wikipedia growing. I took the liberty of emailing you a second time on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation (the organisation responsible for the protection of Wikipedia), because I wasn’t sure you got a chance to read the first email we sent to unfreecoffeecup@gmail.com, the address we have on file for you since your last gift. I hope you know how crucial your commitment to supporting free knowledge has been and still is to us. At every turn, we have been pressured to compromise our values, but I'll be honest: We’ve had enough. People always ask us, why not just run ads to make revenue? Or capture and sell reader data? Or make everyone pay to read? While these things seem like the norm online nowadays, we'd like to remind you that there is another way--a way that doesn’t jeopardise the neutrality of our content and threaten your personal data. We just ... ask! Not often, but it works. After 21 years of saying no, I can still say we are proud to have left that money on the table. We’re a non-profit. Only 2% of our readers give, but we manage to serve hundreds of millions of people per month. Imagine if everyone gave? We could transform the way knowledge is shared online. I've been happily stunned by the response from our donors, but we haven't reached our fundraising goal in Australia and we don't have a lot of time left. We’re not salespeople. We’re librarians, archivists, and information junkies. We rely on our readers to become our donors, and it’s worked for over 20 years. This year, please consider making another donation to protect and sustain Wikipedia. We know people’s circumstances have changed a lot in the last year. Some find themselves with less to spare, but a lucky few happen to have a bit more. If you’re one of the lucky ones, will you give a little extra to keep Wikipedia growing? Renew your donation: A$2 Give A$5 Give A$20 Give A$35 Give another amount Thank you, Jimmy Wales Wikipedia Founder DONATE NOW : A$2 Image of Jimmy Wales CC BY 3.0, found on Wikimedia Commons. You are receiving this email at unfreecoffeecup@gmail.com as a valued donor of the Wikimedia Foundation. If you do not wish to receive any future emails from the Wikimedia Foundation, unsubscribe now. If you’ve already donated recently, we may have an alternate email address on file for you. Please let us know it! We’ll be happy to unsubscribe any old email addresses. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 98‌‌204 Was‌hi‌ngton, D‌‌C 20‌0‌90-82‌04 United S‌ta‌tes of Am‌erica