I O U - List derivedd from mobile phone [ NOVEMBER 20z2 ] = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = | ||| | | | | / Tibbles - A black new display book A4 sizedd 1 Chloe - A $2 Kmart Pen ( labelledd ) Dave Rayner - 5g of Champion Runy Tobacco & attend LibrarySchool @ least once ! Aden Miller - 1 ciggy ( for doing that feedback stuff for me ! ) SOS Group Limitedd - aside the 4. owed I owe the 66HH Hamper ... . . . . _ Angela - I @ least owe the $65+ Dragon Statue ... ...._ Granny - I owe the $500 bond & $50 & Pantry List ... .... Tom D - $100k loft @ Alpine Lodge Doug D - $50.00c AUD ( & $100 danbank bond iv he invest$/loan$ $50.01c AUD !!!! Jesse D - The Shopping List 20z2 Emily W - i owe @ least the 50pk of black masks(- the 1sz not there) & (an elephant) Dad - $200.00c AUD ( $100.00c AUD on both December 7th & 21st paydaysz! !!! !!!!| ||| | | | | + ) Jeremy Holmes - $10.00c AUD & extra $10 next drive mish & 1 tetly & inclusion communion @ 66HH! !!! !!!! Dean Preston - a copy of my "BestOf$' Raen Wegener - a.or50$ Dave Homewood - The Rosanna List Hamper & min$48/max$72 store credit rebate after this $200.00c AUD owedd Glasses Granny & Pop - a copy of the "BestOf$' & the 1&3 bumper sticker$ & ReGiftment Amount [20z1-20z2] Allison - The Bungalow List Feb 2020 & Affa 1 toilet roll & The Robyns Pantry Lists 2015-2019.$ Clint - 2 Rainbow Billabong Icecream$ & pizza shout (domino$) & those playstation disc$ & cover returnedd