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Hertian wavesz| ||| | | | | / | Google Search =
Hz in relation to volts, amps, watts
How do you calculate amps from volts and Hz?
Amperage Information
Amps for 24/60 Hz = Multiply (X) by 5.
Amps for 208/60 Hz = Divide (X) by 1.73.
Amps for 240/60 Hz = Divide (X) by 2.
Amps for 480/60 Hz = Divide (X) by 4.
Amps for 575/60 Hz = Divide (X) by 5.
DC Amps Formula: Amps = Watts/Volts DC.
AC Power Factor Formula: Power Factor = Watts/Volts X Amps.
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Caesar II . ... .....
___________________________________ | | 1 : 0 0 - A m - S u n d a y - T h e - 2 n d - o f - O c t o b e r - 2 0 z 2 - | ||| | | | | /
| 0 1 : 0 1z - A m - S u n d a y - T h e - 2 n d - o f - O c t o b e r - 2 0 z 2 - | ||| | | | | /
1:03am | 1:04am - i want a girlfriend ... . . . . .
........or a computer game to play in the meantime .......
1:05am ... .....