MY BROTHER JUST CAME INTO NEAR WHERE IM SITtING AT this accsETUP sorry for caps lock still going to try and do minimal edits and keep closer the integrity or ? stream?quality? of an uneditedd " one take " though yeah,
........he just said to me i should ~ get a nintendo switch & get or pay $50 a month or something to get access to all these game$ . ... .........though just i replyed and said how i have my mate Paul (also from or was from Olinda-ish Mt D) has been trying to get me onto the s t e a m ~ online computer program?app?internet-linkedd~ computer game library?archive?download!orSORRYtheORa1LEGAL-DOWNLOAD-ABLE COMPUTER GAME$ and i said how iv i had $500 spare to day trade id rather do that as i can't justify or the fact i cant manipulate or control the psV(ps5) controller for example sample of my non-tech-savvy-ness-ibility-izm well , anyway ... .....
.........i am shiFting on rambleling and being unable to cite the closer to actual quote and or idea of my brother being a good k#n+ and giving me advice that would help me in the sense of me being lazy or unemployedd etc, anyway ... . . . . .
12:47 PM - SUNDAY
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