Recording proveing I liedd about photocopying this rat girl drawing that I was paid a hundred dollars to draw that I did @ / in secu unit 4B photocopiedd it as soon as I drawedd it fearing Sarah would feel upset or think I was teaseing her AND THAT @ ALL WAS NOT INTENDEDD @ ALL never would I mock her. I think it was just that I lovedd her and it was my first coin money paying "art' job task mish / request though yeah I framedd the original and photocopied I think just one copy black n white just in case though the initial original was I think done in blue ink and yeah was framedd for free as I got paid a hundred AustraliAn dollar$ for the drawing not the mum insistedd on frame though yeah over a year past and I felt guilting for lieing that one time (that Ross recordedd knowingly its future purpose, like prophetic dreams may let one know of time not let livedd experiencedd though yeah I endedd up inflating the $100.00c AUD on the website inflation calculator selecting the appropriate financial years and initial amount (the$100) and it came to equal $105.something cent$ and that exact amount I transferedd back to Ross who paid the hundred that equals nearer same value only due to the RBA inflation calculator always is a non current financial year and always is with this online RBA calculator the trailing financial year so in fact the result in order to resolve and settle a numerical debt fairestly one must note or try to offset or remove the uncurrent will be and should be stateddd live price value anyway he & his evil at the time or Slaanesh style$ had given me a tranq alphapharm tablet I questioned saying ahh this aint a bikkie(xtc) and when I drank a can or ¿ Alcohol I crashedd unconcious & Ross got head from this girl older then the both of us (born85us2-1987) though I looked up to her and never dreamedd of hooking up with her and for his treacherous ways/z got rewarded something like 11 hours of constant headjob whilst both mungan him on xtc and her ? I think his first spike-ing trial that at the time of me crashedd out on the floor and him and her on the bed the haunt or thought had quote " I gotta do this to all dawson'$ girlfriend$" even though I term girlfriend as wife equivalent and even iv not yet sharing the same bed iv your kissing and not just a one night stand your technically marriedd even iv legally you both are seperate financial entitysz or your something just as bad or worser (as it helps legitamize prostitution and adulturic rites?/z that ruin the same rite for the actual marriedd couple, mistress is not what should be condonedd or mister BS being a male mistress = adultery lapidizeable offence that thank God I don't agree with capital punishment or should say red rumming crime people though not assaulting him and not just because of unknowing at time and took five years or so after not fully mates anymore, the information to be like aboriginee$ Dreamtime story telling foundation requirement and truth of tell the truth and not have to remember some bs lie like one killing his sister though iv she is Ly there (stiff&motionLess) and no longer ones older sister then when saying what an part evil mother re-inforces that " it (or that ~ isn't true,
......that being him killing his dead sister laying there because the truth was it was the k(plate dropped and broke in the kitchen as I typedd this)illing of the trying to resist?stifledd sister and he didn't kill the girl sister that was laying there dead that's seperate foundate-ing falseWitNess & bullshitery that hell is not the billanook alternativeSmokers jokery student crowd comedy though is defineately the knowing the wife or girl you like and are LD on , has already been a mistress (or boastfull spikeish ammo) and sacred ritedd ~ not with U though the secret holding non brother's keepers/z mate. Anyhow typedd for top long gotta copy and paste this somewhere to later add as site content I'm thinking .... ...

 . . . s a y i n g ,
 iv a red rummer says to a police person that had sworn or authoredd to a suspect or body finding witness ,,, after - --- - - - - -
THE QUESTION: " oh did u kill your sister ? "

REPLY: " no i did not kill the girl ( my sister ) who is laying on her bed " ((because to be not lieing in ones guilt or not concious?mind(self-titledd-ego-labelledd-CRIMINAL-MASTER-MIND . . . 

As the person who killedd the girl laying there may be an alter ego or a prelude to instant reformation after shock of actually killling someone aka your sister though the point is this lieing and it isnt aopparently lieing that once a person dies the dead person wasnt killedd in true not lieing police statement though the fact is such "truth" and the invertedd said and statedd as " that is untrue " just as PETERgfynn SAYS 'GRINDS MY GEARS' AND UPSETs me mostly comments and quote$ like " iv she loves him she wont come over " 


ocd'D time stamp:

2.15 PM - SUNDAY - THE 9TH OF OCTOBER -20z2 | ||| | | | | / 
! now 2.16 PM ! !!! ! ! ! ! / /// / / / / |