2.55pm Monday October 10th 20z2 | ||| | | | | /
! ok, i am here is a bullet point list of certain stuff my disorganize-ational-shortfall-continues to have such entrys?/z still listedd and never getting done/completedd. Anyhow @ least i dont have to do any psych assessment bs anymore as the information of me being in the Royal Childrens Hosptial in 1990 plus me saying in word that id agree to have the nightly olanzapine each night for the schizophrenia and that though not psychiatrist evaluations/z onmorning after not sleeping only because like job interviews it is very inportant must not miss it so insomia plays its role, & for those that want to say "oh youre just on krak hence the fortnight sleepover$(that i so want with a girl as soon as shes able! anyway i can only be punctual when i dont have to sleep in the interrim so yeah hence the reason i support and try to propergate the idea of "LibrarySchool" and also idea$ like internet gateway terminal 'hotseat-ing' though yeah now exactly 3.00pm and some other song came on that i havent heard before though no i have heard this song another one of the alien ant farm unknows?/z as who can afford a $20?$10?$1?$50?$44 cd from brashes lol ior jbhi-fi to be more factual and not bs from haveing shotgun in the delorian or whatever 1985 anyhow i mowedd the lawns beforetrying this new method or principle ocd sorta that makes the lawn cut a bit more uneven and looks horrible in certain spots though the initial 'flower"cluster' @ Grannysz on her front lawn was a beauty well worth the extra care & made me think it sorta is how like in the 1600s?1700s?1800s?goldrush time era and chinese having rat-tails well these flower-cluster$ are sorta like that or like "tuff" , a tuff ( a descrypt a good dude Tunjay told me or i heard from the word descrypt being used to describe the these days shabby haircut or maroondah requirement and or emergency no escape unless able - though due to teaseing in the 1960s one might be victim to wrongly allocatedd revenge or whatever anyhow this song that isnt too bad is now on it i um ill check the spelling hang on.......

.......its called: KFMDM - READY TO BLOW , so yeah anyway anyhow i should end this scrypt here as it probs?/z is not even about the title/saved file name ~ indicate-ing what the content of the .txt or .html file is (both of those extentions i make up produce with basic Microsoft Accessorie$ "Notepad' yes 'notepad"


3.42pm MONDAY - THE 10TH OF OCTOBER 20z2 | ||| | | | | /