2.35pm Monday October 10th 20z2 | ||| | | | | /
! ok,
......well i am here @ alpine and just gave up doing the mowing of the lawns and unfortuneately heaven is still not here & no moon landing yet .....
........ok A Perfect Circle is playing on spotify in the background and that song 3 Libra$ is now playing so changedd my mood anyway the time is 240pm and psychLink said that i'd be lucky enough to ho9ok up with a girl and get a kiss before i slept, this was told to me over yesterday as tonight is a marathon dual night must be the water gravity horiscope cancer crab full moon that i think has lastedd two nights though it needs to be 3 or 4 to be technically a "blue moon" though yeah oh well. oh well. apparently nothing,... aparently notyhing at all.......
! YOU DONT ! YOU DONT ! YOU DONT ! SEE ME ! !!! !!!!| ||| | | | | /
Line 10: " you dont see at allllll"