Daniel Dawson 6 h · Shared with Public 9.01pm Monday October 10th 20z2 Daniel Dawson Mineute second?$ too late blast time night savingsz I need my PAN! Defruit U dan, ........U can't take it , Don't drink the can!! ~ only from the Walter of liquor land , I'm owedd a grand! Apolestry fabric keeps entrapping the static no electricutions/z here just Granny payWave only once in a grave & me behaving civil still get slammedd all for loving Sarah and not enforcing myself collectedd hordeddd alluminyan, the DIESEASE it ran ~ beyond a joke. Without the smoke ! It's impossible open air policy need leave to woke no U roke a ruling provoke the Madrid krak cocaineA coke LatLeVeTah may love it dan thougj no one knows king Kunta like yousz 2 persansz rroper not the car just Nik's mate a year younger,... Settle it and bring her feather it's in the star! Chickhen tonight on the verandah? Not in a vpol regulated ashphault abrasion hazard for those that PAY for their petroleum or ordeal refuel at the servo LPresomatedd Labodomee Reply6 h Daniel Dawson It ain't the car!! Shhhh the non pervertedd teacher ... A rigged to live... .....just not too far! Und dar what the wondarrh? Approachable I can't take it ! Skateboardsz are made & has more rite to land in Belgrave unless there is a Jewish star on the fortyeight registered car. Glen Gallah sorry Graham I can't take it, It's bazzarrr Carribeanan market on foot without a lorry driveR Dan saws quit your wondgeGin ratsakk killers/z a real (wrong) thing. Sting them they wont. Just me consuming not with my throat or ass U rote a tote to gamble corn fields !disgustedd yuck!!!! UniLever mondelaz there (might) be actual shiFt in the chocolate Cadbury, do U give a f#ck!? ......that is enough Daniel, now back to reality(I'm right now catching the bus.. Reply5 h Daniel Dawson Didn't know for a moment there where I was , The shades and decal films?/z for the windows of the bus, business in Lincoln Park every toilet has one, a brightest conmockshonn of beaker glass funnel? Fuse and rite to Israelite ¿ Toot in car man ~ Beyond me person personell are A Gonna Getchyah. U missed the dote the antiCroak - a missfit finally allowed the eLnatural everyone had from kinder, the antiTripSlipReBalanceINGkit a only got it from respect to the Venusian temple shell uftg ftg and drinking mainly only out of bauxite cannery other then milk thank God haulage trucksz rockup to each supermarket or , epic fail my bus stop how will I ever not make it , Broken dan. Shifte can 1 Daniel Leighton Dawson not U brother of braedes just me thinking psychosis is a degree like deer fur visual aids?/z I'm a gonna miss my stop! All because I can't rhyme on the spot. BS the funk! The bs , the funk gonna take U ... ..... Reply5 h Daniel Dawson 7years11months = the age difference of me n Sarah , & and please not the length of time of me in lock. Reply5 h Daniel Dawson StVincent$ basement is it a delusion or is it real ? Project ? Prophecy of a rejectedd dan still with a green shopping waltWoolworths bag on my finger not my hand that holding the can and being brace for me doing this typePAN dan tomorrow suddy , The Glen Glen Waverly dan please U don't understand the BS the travels with grains of sand and threats of my old man. Trash can my stuff and my gear eNOUGH!!! I pray it's there & not a home invasion bluff ? Wtf? Dan! Understand U are in the dark holding your phone acting suss iv you loose anything whilst out in public it's Maroondah requirement though iv U refuse to pay bj coin for a room to live in at least sleep in don't invalidate a psychotic uff. Erghhh. I give up typeing U slut ! I want my girlfriend and not spend a buck get fruitedd U android cleaning service ReRoll last savesz narh-upp can't spell get the frutt My grade six year seven first BS story had to write in pen or grey lead is where the ammo came from (whitedwarfmag) and first to religion being ¿ Reply5 h Daniel Dawson Gonna walk into a gutter better put the phone away. Maggottedd didn't even get to op shop for a very limitedd last remaining after this post ashtray lead crystal cheaper then a ciggy and no cuff$ BS enough! |||| Dan137 Daw50n ||||Please thankyou ||||?58||| I gotta get to alpine and pray stuff is how I left it otherwise it's a ever too frequent something legal I hate. Destineate. Please girl U teach me ~ life be real and not just hell unless thieveing smilesz from my nephew thingsz like that. Anyhow reflection in the bathroom only chat thankGod I never want to be a champion of Nurgle and wipe instead of soap - skat ! Beware spare room bucket keepers/z yousz in future have cars like Google maps?/z I want to rap. Wrap it up so I can check severity stings?/z I please don't wanta loose this thief swapped 9kt ring for the 18 one 75% gold they thought or him her I'm taking and R.i.p. Nik $ Reply5 h Daniel Dawson Old main still and I touched off @ 925pm silver purity in percent , even though 92.5% a BS that unpharmedd animal town ,... Yada Yada Yada Yoda vodaphone note a ... ..... I can't stop because it isn't getting recievedd as not unwell I am or not there is the girl to knot just some person approaching hear the stones and radio ownsz gtg Reply5 h Daniel Dawson Monday 9.40pm October 10th 20z2 Reply5 h . . minor edit$ only mainly due to keyboard thimble thumble$ due to dropping phone too much and not so much the remote hacker'$ conterfiet facebook mask override and pretend that it is still meta inc unless its a beta open source sinister project furthering us all closer to the grapht inject and bone serial engravedd respect full bullselect nothing yet ..... edit(331AM-332AM-TUESDAY-OCTOBER11TH20z2| prospect thoughts dejecT !!! | | | | /