Daniel Dawson gtg create manta ray bs crook spiral ocean views no seen an arrow apo no effect i gotta take it sorry skateboard art1stry the jokes are on me bs smokery liberty air conditioners 48degree summers rollerblades optional not carribean yacht club and eatnig out of ones hands like a spikedd by ro girl and two brainwashedd woman and one festival disgusting webvideo dont worry about mee im the one that had two friends insist i get A nerve removeal versektamee so at least biologically i can still have a KID ii just wont be able to feel the conception neccessity bio-diversity and maria stropes and an absent attendd every frequentcy dan upset and WE WANT THE FUNNK~ diesing a martyr pray not me daniel d need that acu girl from marta christi ! question: who is she ? another1 when will she ? please God Reply1m