Daniel Dawson 2 h ยท Shared with Public Freedom of choice - APC YouTube again has told fibs or the singer have the written another crack just most classic cd songs just don't have the resonance that declassified then as full blown maggotizmsz doing other grot sin in line with bucket saveings/z body smudge sessions/z and the absolute disgust me trying to sleep on Hayley's bed Hailey's bed and two distrort weirdos making being me drunk and stonedd no energy to escape having to have such wrong horror I gotta wave my mate from you in SheppWest , girl out there? The one daughter to that bunyip apparition I seen in my bedroom in the corner over my bed introducing me , mother of such girl date my mate and let me share needsz with your daughter I pray your not dead ghosts and I might as out and so does he. Anyhow in the land I the free (AmericA) use your freedom of choice freedom of choice ! I never heard the original just the APC cover that I thought was there own creation not cover though yeah bloody eMOTIVe album ! ... ..... Even Emma , U know who U are!? I'm a moron to name U though any girl like U Sarah or jordene all girls that had at least say to my left as passenger not just Kimberley adults co-ey, copilot suspect harmful only to me at the time though yeah I need to Goto VicRoads and try get my licence though I'd rather a girlfriend who meets me tonight and travels every where on public transport as long as they got concession fare as it is currently sorta a rip off fully fare we all didn't get the more then $999k one percent loan seven years ago though yeah um, yeah U can see why so many slight is defsz factual though understandable fare evadwing evadwing evadwing evadeIng youth and think every one older then me is like me mentally defruitedd and on the DSP a quibble to some that want like jailfolk black sheep pedoes though I shouldn't say that thread as it lead to a thousand ght was friend haunts redefined as in fact my rival and he has 13 year old girl visit socially to one of many tentantLess & dem 1 comment Daniel Dawson Demands as bj or she wasnt allowedd to leave for he is was risking his neck having her over in the first place regardless iv legal or not it is still a crime when there for example sample four or six or two passenger of car swaps to throw off pi and proveable in court bs. Anyhow all of U butches bitchs no longer honourable slang biddysz I hate how I get upset or more devasttedd that U choose to make porn and suck him off paid or not. Anyhow defruit this I should injoi my temporry permentant ward leave just I want a girlfriend I need two sets of lips on the one person i need girls skin I need it crave straveingly girls attention not adjusting bed retrainsts though having for me good intention though further so as I want one in my bedroom to invert the cursed adultery faggot cheats that use my bed for a scene or gloat theme of their paid for sex duty fantasy and justifying it because all the money I get came from a government ATO?RBA?ritzPond?and yes is tax though to use an argument of your in the right for such sex rite because U pay tax or I don't pay tax(even though I don't claim my franking credits and was never paid the 17% of the $10k I savedd correctly in all required four or so financial years my first home saver account and yeah just because I recieve Centrelink don't think yourself elite or worthy of anything me and Sarah sharedd before thev2011/2012 Nye U orgy dogs making me wash dishes whilst yousz sucked maggothood anyhow I need a girlfriend please God help me thankyou ....... Reply2 h Daniel Dawson