1.30pm -
- This AfterPay deal thing with eBAY/SDW77///----
- I got to go into a NAB branch & re-order both my normal account debit card & the BCA debit card still . ... .....
- I also got to go to The Glen in Glenwaverly to go to the Bankwest branch there to restore my signin/login & PAN ||||
- I need to goto VicRoad$ to remember or be re-told all the things i got to do in order to get my licence back for driving ... .....
- I hope that I get to maybeget pizza to share with a girl whos bday is coming up soon in like ten days?/z i think as she told me though yeah (:
- The sixth thing to do or list on this list is that i have six more green bags left that ive used others for to start and for transist delivering these hampersz ive made for other people's households that i feel that i owe or have spent a material resource and i want to repay them or at leasts offset such some claim as an inmagineary debt/Liability though yeah too bad my memory is a bit defruitedd as there are heapsz ! H E A P S Z ! of other familysz and or neighboursz , friendsz , relativesz , etc -that i haven't returnedd or deliveredd any backpay/offset hamper($) too and i am guilty of such though yeah hopefully eventually adventurely i do so, the sooner the better unless wrldwar7 happensz and everyone is in a nuke bunker underground sitch & iv such happenedd the my hampersz may be more apprieciatedd or more so will be more neededdd though yeah today is Thursday The 13th of October 20z2 & i need to continue to construct this to do list . . . . . . o k . . . . . . . .
- Repay Granny & get that $1 scratchie .....