Anyway , now seven minutes past ten and thought of both the channel 7 and channel 10 networks that used to both on the AustraliAn stock market for public investment though channel 10 ditchedd paying "nil" consideration (money) to all the at time of delisting , includeing myself that did reduce my stock holdings to just a hundred shares with a did at one stage have a value of $20 as each share at the time was 20cent$ though then psychLink psychosis meditational haunts hearing sense told me that channel 10 (TEN Network Holdings Ltd) was going to have a 4cent dividend and i thought "oh yeah! 20cent$ per share with a 4cent dividend coming well thats a fifth of the share cost i best jump on that!" and then there was no dividend and i lost over a thousand dollars as i purchasedd for unknown cost in memory though after having a hundred i then up-ed it to 6321xTENasx then they almaleggeed the shares to increase value of the outstanding ordinary shares so that 6321 became a thankfull 633 TEN asx shares though then that became nothing and hence the letter and share registery "OFF" units count of shares indicatedd as TENasx anyhow enough bs about that i was before i started this preStartJournalEntry i was useing paint to make an rest in peach Glen (Armstrong) paintFILE as today is his 48th birthday that he didnt make it to unfortuneately so yeah i neededd to see on facebook when Heath his brother told me he died in his sleep either this year or last year i need to find out because i cant remember (and i keep thinking the conspiracy of the covid vax jabs were inplanting or installing a condition in each human that got apo needledd this bs memory lost in order to instill and install the "factual" need for a currency graphting or implant as someone could steal your money or identity and you the person cant ever remember your login details like i recently forgot and need to go to this kilometres away branch one of the last ones open in victoria for a boutique national bank that is shutting this target for login details restoration attendance at a branch that offically closes on October 27th i think of this year though yeah all going paperless and online so frauds can thieve easier or so i dont fell like im missing out as much when iv like my delusion me inprizonedd maybe only good for thoughts that suggest im a prizner of war that confluict being legalized and systematic encouragement of adultery and the ruin of marriage$ .....
. . . anyway, i was going to type some near nonbs about my Dad not feeling as good and or is near completely disenfranchiasedd in us living here and his involvement and neccessity though he has the valid excuse of a botchedd on purpose versektamee and like me has nerves issues nonxzystant unlike mine just gelledd and synapses membranes gelled with anti-psychotic serum$ that i had administeredd into my body via fortnightly injections that no tax paying mercenarie or mate that pays his mates gf to suck him off never got the covid vax is a medical prevention of cold flu symptons im pretty sure all primary school kids get such injections you unless had one or 200 like me yourself have no idea the exprience and ordeal one goes threw being on the depot / psychiatric medication injections/z it is completely defruitedd and fuktd.. anyway enough of me........ have to go to hosptial - said some bs haunt or conduitedd thought/speach?best be bs ! true !? anyway now the 24hourtime is exactly 2222 / so 10.22pm !!! | | | |
Dan to feel better just think bs like jubba goin ehh ketchyah ehh getchyah ehh detchyah my not yet 2 year old nephew running around up and down the hall and open living area after me jokingly stiring going "ima gonna getchyah" and "ill getchyahh" the same humour that could be the only good essense of me and my oldmates chilling together as we never assaultedd each other though spikeing girls drinks and my own once in order to have their or his way with a girl i likedd growing up well hence the he isnt my friend... stop bitching dan u bidtch... .....
10.24 PM - FRIDAY THE 14TH OF OCTOBER 20z2 | ||| | | | | /