Gareth Ward - Liberal for Monbulk Sponsored · Paid for by The Liberal Party of Australia (Victorian Division) · #BREAKING 🚨 A Liberal Government will slash the cost of public transport, as a measure to help reduce the cost of living for all Victorians. $2 flat fares on buses 🚌 trams 🚃 and trains 🚊 $1 for concession card holders and pensioners ✅ #realsolutions4allvictorians 19 comments Daniel Dawson should be a dollar for everyone us concessioners already get scornedd for living off tax money even iv we have been injectedd with serums against our will and not speaking the bs vaxx memory deteriator step towards mandatory popeing and further psychosis fearedd bs make it one dollar for every human only iv you need it not to be free just to see who is paying the measure though yeah just a thought ... . . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: 2.15 AM SATURDAY THE 15TH OF OCTOBER 20z2 | ||| | | | | / Reply1 m Aneta Arpas How about those toll roads, stamp duty, land tax, income tax and GST. Can we get a $2 flat rate on those too, the way some governments waste our money I think we deserve it!!! Reply5 d Gareth Ward - Liberal for Monbulk Aneta Arpas I'm note sure we can reduce tax to $2 but we have committed to no new taxes! I agree with you completely about the wasted money happening under the current Government. Reply4 d "Most relevant" is selected, so some replies may have been filtered out. Gerry Potter A friend of mine has been saying that for 10-15 years. Gold coin!! Reply4 d Roger van Kollenburg While it may seem a good idea I have a few questions! 1. Can we afford to do this 2. How do we afford to do this… See more Reply2 d Dan Freeman How about improving public transport ie extend the Lilydale into the Yarra Valley, I perfer to pay the current price now, but at the same time extend the rail network. No bus, buses don’t do it anymore. Reply2 d 5 of 10