! ok !
! now ,,,,,
MY NAME IS DANIEL, --- - - - - | - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I am currently willing to offer anyone who trusts me enough to gift me a hundred AustraliAn dollar$ (( AUD($) ) and in return i will agree that i owe such investor a hundred AustraliAn dollar$ ($100.00c AUD) that is titledd my debt to the investor though as incentive and reward for investing a $100 in me and danbank is that each year (on the inception or at least on every anniversary of when the danbank hundred dollar$ was/is/has been paid to me , I will and would pay this investor a seperate (and non effecting the hundred dollar investment owedd amount(=principle)) $7.00c AUD each year at least so for a hundred dollar$ investedd to inturn be paid $7.00c AUD every year without fail (unless i go to jail for some bs reason ((being a modern nonMartyr&ww4CIVILAINprizonerOFwar(THEwarONadulteryPOLICYandCOINcountrie$?etc.....
Alright so yeah simply and basically iv u give me a hundred AustraliAn dollar$,
I will in turn and honour each and every year on the investment'$ anniversary a interest equivY payment to the investor of a set fixedd $7.00c AUD .....
- danbank
= ......just a name & title / idea / brand-ing of a make believe "bank" that i, myself fully own and manage and take care of........
........iv u are interestedd and genuinely do want to invest the at limit "one hundred AustraliAn dollar$' then contact me on my main facebook:
h t t p s : / / w w w . facebook.com/main.account.44 / | ||| | | | | /