feedback Inbox Aden<<<>> Mon, Sep 12, 2:22 PM to me feedback request: as mentioned at porno art show opening; unfree is labyrinthian, homepages and index pages leading to older versions of eachother, drafts and collected notes on specific topics the time stamps make the information semi narrativised, but also place importance on the numeracy of the words, their sheer mass, viewers can get lost in it willingly as attempts to find coherency give way to more confusion this is all maybe present in the website URL: 'unfree' - not imprisoned but not liberated, freedom has been undone; put next to coffeecup, suggesting that banal routine and waste as a source of enslavement. a lot of the website content orients around the banal intricacies of recycling for $, seeking fuel substances and following up minor debts, routines which keep one 'unfree' but also alive/buzzed. as the viewer gets lost in the labyrinth they can begin to see not a 'why' or an overall point, but a 'how', the method of writing as a form of untangling and retangling memory, reflected in the structure of the website hope this helps aden