$/TheALPINEcapitalWORK$-20z21005.txt = = = = - = = = = OK, DANIEL D,,, .... . . . . - - - - | | | 1 . . . ..... . ... . . . . . = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = DANDE --> GLASS FROSTEDd FOR WINDOW IN THE TOILET ROOM / AREA = TO PREVENT VOYEGER/TOILETcamVIDEO PRODUCTION / PRIVACY INVASION/DISRESPECTEDD/VIOLATEDdMAJORLY!!!-!!!! --> SOLAR POWEREDd GARDEN LIGHT$ TO LIGHT THE WALK_ING WAY / PATH FROM THE KITCHEN/DINING ROOM FRENCH DOOR$ -> TO THE BACK VERANDAH STEP$ & ARCHWAY, UP THE STEP$, THEN LIT / HAVE LIGHT SHOWING ALL THE WAY FROM THERE TO THE NEXT ARCHWAY (ANOTHER METAL 1) THEN LIGHT THE WAY TO THE COMPOST BIN IN THE BACKYARD GARDEN ? VEDGY-PATCH AREA SECTION ... . . . . . --> RE-DO THE PLUMBING OF THE TOILET AND THE SEWER-LINE FROM FLUSH POINT-DOLTEN -> ALL THE WAY TO THE SEPTIK TANK, SO THAT THERE IS LESS HORIZONTAL PIPE-ING & MORE GRAVITY ASSISTEDd TRAVEL OF THE SEWER-SYSTEM @ ALPINE FC Vic Au EARTH . ... ..... --> MAKE A LOFT IN THE ROOF CAVITY -> THAT I AM PAYING TOM $100,000.00c AUD TO BUILD!! --> @ THE FLAT AREA NEAR WHERE MY COROLLA IS PARKEDd IT WOULD BE AWESOME IV A 12m x 12m BARN/SHED/METAL ?STRATCO?COLOURBOND? WALL$ & ROOF-ING & HAS ROLLER-SHUTTER-DOOR$ and yeah...... basically exactly the same as the barn/shed that i helped de-frag the was owner/rentee'$ possession($) before full evictedd....... --> AGAIN !,,, MAKE THIS LOFT !!!! JUST HAVE A Stairwell inside say the corner bedroom near the back of the house the one that shares a wall with the laundry,,, have a stairwell in there that is hidden when the door to that room is closedd and should still even iv looking into the room from the doorway the stairwell be obstructedd from view from such. Even iv the stairwell started in the rumpus it should go from the toilet room/rumpus external wall corner and up hidden from view towards Mum's Sewing cubboard and yeah give access to the beyond knowings potential of the mastery and opulance/luxury/aesethicWealth-ing that one loft living area in xzystant will and does provide... ..... THINK THE SUNKEN LOUNDGE AT SUPER FUND PAID FOR APPARTMENT RENTEDd and TENENTEDd WITH/by one E.KELLY-2003... .... --> OCD'd TIME STAMP: 2:00 AM - WEDNESDAY - THE 5TH OF OCTOBER 20z2 | ||| | | | | /