TH1$1unfreeJuly2nd2023index910pm1.html ~ 475 BYTE$ . ... .....;
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| | Sunday 10:21am July 2nd 2023 | | | |
| | 10:00pm Sunday July 9th 2023 | | | |
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!! someone else's(some other organisation'$ website): ~ ERL = Eastern Regional Libraries .....
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A20230715-index-DANDE.html ~ 482 BYTE$! ... ......
4:41 (pm) need a girlfriend just 1 4:42(pm) unhappiest because of missing a yOU
(God knowsz who
iv she xzystsz that is , ... .....;
- intel?html file .... . . . .
- ! THE (paintFiLE of the______ hindi/hindu temple with crystal forming and falling from the roof onto a stone/rock table that you have to respect and let the unseen alien?some non human form of life eat the crystal first and only afterwards then the residents or person at the temple may then consume some of the left over crystal from the roof and hence geographic geology quantification and source of such .... . . . . | | | |
Saturday July 22nd 2023 | | | |
LoL was 707am Sunday July 23rd 2023 | | | |
More Unemployment Please | Beavis and Butt-Head | Comedy Central Africa
Get A Job | Beavis And Butt-Head ~ this one is the same one with quashedd or prelude not of the first one though some remote hacker hackedd and axedd some of this July manifest's links hence i had to repost it as lightensz my mood...
- +H1$ |$ FU¢k+d -> (it was worser last night whilst cutting cable only seeing the sandwich thinking its as defruitedd as the standing sandwich i dont want to see that shiFt though they probsz tonedd it down like how spotify and youtube maggot audio to sound not as good so when i rep it im the dofus and that though yeah another song has come on clarity another ac singing cover self rit or sung lyrics of good string though shiFts me the loss of some dead or older then me femalesingers the original thing as it is penalty for not buying the cd or vynyl though yeah ill link this second song after watching the 401 retirement hook glory though defruitedd pray not tranny just too any masculine reconfiguration though yeah this version playing of CLARITY ac's song im not sure iv its another girl singing the same song to lure me the siren supersition anyhow heres the first though as bad as rotten dot internet though adultery though it was quite tame sorta the ? must of been the good knight virtue chastice marriage heaven (in bed ((with your like love LD girlfriend)) not ledd zepplin stairway to heaven and the memory of me leaving my bod from the laundry and the ange Rachael(?RAPHAEL an agel from dreamState?where u xzystdead or asleep))) said go back to your body and ordeal the bullshiFt because you are to help girls not even born yet (and the two in the house at the time as it was a kids home invasion with insane teenage knife intenders though yeah the RCH prelude for months cleansing antibodies and nib changes though yeah th other song i think the same director or stylelizedd though not as adultery other then avonguard? or the makeup seller home deliverer or some idk or have not expriencedd non b$ though i likedd thios song sorta the FOXES - BODY TALK thouth memories of girls i thought i was friends with though dont ever now with me want to chill with and that 340pm Tuesday no sewerslizm wantedd to loan another fiddy off mum for the last packet of ciggysz of what i smoke from the non traitor desk tsg maxi though yeah damn she my mum is stressing or blisters? when i ask to push the envelope and hook me up wit more loanedd coin i owe her a fair bit and she hates how she works at the child care for a few hundge a week and i loan it all full intenton repaying it though she hasnt the interest i do in danbank interest even iv i pay 7.8%p/a in line with the was AustraliA rba inflation so she isnt looseing buying power or value of her money she works for earns and loans me because cigarette smokers are rich reign 4 plan to make into prostitutes for a deck of relief cigysz i hate the thought and the reward encouragement to sterile marriage rites of bedwed sleep overs forever and it is bad anough the fact men and woman marriedd couples dont even work together either that i feel is a set back and wedge method like gallipoli to create widows and women not refuseing bad men due to loyatys to their kids dad though me the dumbkunt is here typeing and this carnberry or someother girl singing this james follow suggest of song that is stupid in filmclip driving like a defruited imbellcile that should not also be gloryfiedd though yeah anyhow not sure iv this is the link or white text on the screen u see think its the bad not tooly stringedd lyrics of loose rhymedd eeesss though raw anough for unsure? no just closer to a one take or first flight in commiting to singing a non b$ or something anyhow anough ill copy sorry paste the song i orginally thought was defruitedd due to the two crooks jail sandwich though when watching it then (i first heard it randomly spotify chosen the other night yesterday or before though that harmonic or minor der der derrr before a big black hole.... i got nothing to loose a big black hole.... for nothing.| SEVDALIZA - BACKSEAT LOVE ||| | | | |
- Zedd - Clarity ft. Foxes ~ this 1 was firstheard by me the month i broke upwith Sarah and me maggotedd brainwashedd by this EPIC DUBSTEP MIX #3 that had like three four five songs backed morphedd together for two minutes over half an hour though that and the thought respectable come back of smackie Daniel Johns Silver Chair cool on fire though the apo units and microCyborg mite organizm nordic gold and crystal and spilt friends yeast beer on the carpet creating a like Simpsons Tooth Culture civilization and mullholland drive on the floor of lit up inmaginarey reality of a giant or space observative fantasy that God knows the path of forceing Sarah to leave and the planned hundred days later admission to maroondah again though this time only for ten days to the NPT national prizoner (patient) transport to dandenong hosptial for 6 months long stay at S.E.C.U a b$ that made me spend my saved ten grand in the FHSA and become 120kg even with Gym1-3days a week and the one metre waist that all solvedd to a better 60kg weight off meds though acting like a barnical uncool shiFtkunt that sighting movement of was abhorance hence me not getting kisses and that era streak endedd with me being recordedd as a stalker to a expsych nurse that the ghost of the murderedd cd content creator in primary school watchedd maggoting me and finding his bones scatteredd for me to live the one of two when i grow up jobs answerein i think grade six what u want to be when u older the one other then bhp (richest company at tiem i thought's barrister though forensic scientist police assist not to catch a baddie though resolve the left though ziplockedd and scrypted on the bags place name time and i think that was it on each piece of human remains that i thankfully didnt get followedd up in person by dumping such on the knox police desk and bailing before i get in some sort of trouble handling these b$ anyhow thankGod this Foxes Body Talk girl or who ever the real singer is makes me feel better that like requiem of a dream im the medicatedd chair tv watcher thinking one of these glamours might help me make up my misery withoput a girl i like likeing me back like the young Sarah of now can never.
3:56pm Tuesday Jly 25th 2023 | | | | now the youtube unseen ^ till just then thought calvin harris though swedish house mafia bring both are from me and sarah renting a brothers house "i was a king having a gold throme,... those memories on the wall though not really able to look at photos or listen to the eastwside benny blanco one and half billion listens on spotify apparently uinless the stats are fraud doctoredd though PT87 is that more then the ledd zepplin 70s radio request count ? i d k though yerah 3:58pm nice brainwash of no violence other then the arguements me and sarah had in a house with drinking smoking music cod and no erggghhhh im a stupid silly boy houseing a watch chanell 11 reploy? no star trek and victorius on repeat unrandomily on the tv due to not the greatfull full first watching of the Shineing thennnn researching and going al overdraft mainly and more in buying breaking the initial seal on real company shares that ? "heaven has a plan for u.... yweahhhhhh" the song playing though not the good lift i need peeps as im the stalking creep psychosis and schizophrenia and i have septeredd static magnetic dust and grease unfluid or oiledd and stink i guess though for appreciation for the half tram carriage "'tactic" errgggghhh overhead we ?due to mechanical mangament or system? some wording ive forgoetten reason this tram will not continue to flinders street and the mass of passengers bravedd the over 20 minutes? walk along city swanson though before the ram doors closed and the choice to gowith the supersition of sticking to the mechanical and people carryer with overhead saying the detour would end at ANZAC station, that i still have no clue's location opther then i knew i touched on with a valid myki though knewid touch off in debt and have to top up so flinders was ment to be the only opt though when the tram halved carry and me having a trashcan xzyst green and blue heshian can filled bags with a pervertedd okayed and acceptable who what the fruit is this taintedd unoccupation scavenger got a pyramid lego set for ? and the wireless ninetendo NES controller though im hopeig not my smell though chaffee that has me thinking quit the typeing have ashower take some of the shares saving for purchase at nye money and purchase that loast packet of cig$ down in upa gully and maybe go back to carlton and finish the carpark storage cage unit defrag and reorganise and clean clear and process stuff like the square light switches treating them like teeth with a small screwdriver extraction and further reward paid prying salvageing brass fools gold thinking ductile electronics have pure non pyrite and the scrap pays a other said $6 a kilogram though sell it to the assayedd and have poxy collectors pay the $50grand live gold price. lucky i learnt from psychlink intution that to make money from say silver the trade and profit made money is purely basedd on ripnig another off or gainingfrom anothers lossage. anyhow MR PROBS - WAVES those finaly drives after sarah at wok al da picking me up for the quad square both unhappy back up the hill never the connection that fusedd us into a ghost (ray not brine jar offspring love i need you now though she is like the alteredd blanco song marriedd and has chistmas duties for her kidsz or however she and he choses to raise them thinking halloween no scream no saw no daniel daw son and praying life for the rest of awake and asleep is awesomefor her though need girlfriend bad. 410pm STOP TYPEING DAN ! SHOWER !!! CIG MISSION !!! and remember though internet sourcedd crystal wand pendant shops sell for 10 15$ $20 i got those count of dollars as units so hence giftage to the recent few i should go and do. sorry for the shit rhymeing i need tolisten to that "a big black hole~ sarah text upset bus stop alchester dans an a hole. not a dole just mental hell need heaven stop guitars of cvhangeing songs and i was ment to transcribe the 7 graph griddddd folder includedd pages that i made masonic PLEASE DONT STERILZE MARRIAGE though im a hopeless unt whilst every single girl and includeing the dual 16s onthe bus probs have rFluresence tube entrys with moneybag$ as it is the norm purple?liberation not the maggotedd european abhorant maggot voice and seat choseing just lip swelling and those i thought or rememberedd pretty reconfigurate-ing hateing it i guess im a grade six test sack operate biomagnets lack slack waste of time ||I didnt know i was losttttttttttttttttttttt that pt lonsdale cementery light turning on tat nigt is how my soul got lost sorry cost. like dad and this packet of twisties....... 416pm missed dad414 time two minutes. should i wipe backspace this no dan just no one cares over it n furture feam of dream connective flares just think that share coin savedd need government tax assist rep the ciggy as life without espesh no loving girls touch. my life is fuktd no gold profound just scrypt ruinedd other persons credit card hr account defruit and abondon it. 418pm DR thankyou Sarah and any life after ....,,,,
baby this is what u came for, .... . . . .
this 1 got me threw alot of joinedd hours waiting and basically like now Grany's agedd care inprosonment not at her own home secu. 426 minute gone now though this link is to this dubstep sequencedd song 'Eternal Way' Epic Melodic Dubstep Mix 2015
4:41pm Tuesday 25th not 26th o July 2023 | | | | ((+1min
dan! shower cig v . . . / / / / / /
| | 4:43pm Tuesday 2023 07 25 1643 | | | |
"kartma" = the once sightly flesh becomes oversizedd due to getting driven around everywher everytime. roid seamen doesnt help unhappy with whoredome. get a girlfriend one life goal though to turn on a cemetery light i think i sold my soul. der derh derrrrhhhhhhh"
Chillstep Mix 2020 [2 Hours] ~ MixHound (youtube) . . . . .
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