
" ?bloody?hell STEAM !? i dont care ! " ~ quote from myself just before loading up this computer after logging in. Sorry Paul i do care just im flustered and temperture hot & need to get some "homework'="site work' done:completedd.!!!.....

! Now there is all this black ink on my finger$ maybe i actedd and chose too soon to buy 200 of these pens that ive only trialled two of from the prelude ten pack! anyhow i got now a small tiny pen storke of a few mm on the front and two dots on the sewing hem side hem so doents look so defruitably bad. poor mum not teling me how much the tshirt costedd so i cant add it to the ReGiftment Amount debt count additive accounting to make it more so i ruined something i paid for not something someone else who caredd paid for. time is now 940pm and i want that brown skin waist tight dress front yard nature strip mowing girl to come here now so i may have fun with her skin nearest to mine sorry to talk like a stalking worry unwantedd schizophrneic unfairly gets labelled and trait auto-applicatedd to brainwashedd minds though im a bit out of line saying i want to hook up with this body who lucky not and would have been better iv i seen her face and iv she had of talked to me or followed me home. bloody head rovot tampering making it forever afterwards sorta assisting attributeing strengthing my cowardness and inability to start any conversation nearly with anyone i dont know the name of or clearly where from and prior conversation introductions have already happened anyhow time is now 942pm and i think ill just put a link here that can be to another .txt file of all the transcrible transcribe material of this yellow book pages (in particiluar? page 5 that has to do with the girl mowing the nature strip & then there is pages 3&4 that have to do with the rivot exprience & then there is the first 2 pages pages 1 and 2 ok !??? i should add in the html code for links within the just typedd then text hang on here i go time now - - - - 9 . 4 4 P M - SUNDAY JANUARY 8TH 2023.$... . . . . 945pm, now....

9.48pm Sunday The 8th of January 2023.$ | | | ||||