u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
BE RIGHT THERE - DIPLO & SLEEPY TOM ~ a song from when i was in s.e.c.u. dandenong 2015-2016 thankyousz illuminatedd mate$ that hadn't helped or benefitedd from me being shiFtcannedd my felt is transgressive nil with recardo allbran though yeah bit upset the carpark down the road?or my delusion of, had my thought mates?/z all chilling smokeing cone$ talking about the possibilities of this 1%p/a line of investment credit could benefit them though mostt of the information is hush and probs?/z mustent of happenedd , and it wasnt some 1.99%p/a (that is almost twice the interest of $10k per year per million , no wonder lettuce costedd corner stone twelve dollar$ though yeah enough of me fabrication time 612am & i gotta put these three links to facebook comments/z that i think others should read to remind themselves/z iv changeing a childsz intamate family relations?/z im speaking just bs like a solicitator sheing a non single mum knealler having her kid (my nephew) being told to call his Dad ! dada , and all this other bs you get shat in the face and mouth for a reason k$nt it isnt me who sets up such a spikeing consequence months years after they all "eat from your hand$, giving you head for 11 hours/z no wonder your girlfriend stole your $250k horse/car so yeah that $3000 per month luxury status car business expense etc just seriously krimple u agrevate me in a bs , enough from me, ill injoi the shiFt that this truely yoursz paid others $50 to add the toilet ladel and $200 iv he eats it like $1000 for making the 8 hour head video & paying $10 for toilet cam videos with me having hamoglobin under scab fluid like prelude to actual human mortality and modern bong scenerio natural xzystant as human bodiesz im talking in emotions uncontrolled hence more loading to the shizophrenia account/ledger though yeah 616am anywho sorry anyhow i best stop typeing and save it after adding in these three link$?/z ill hurry up now Nero=- 2 mind$ is playing and thought just then was of Phil Collins song reciepe of two minds two heart$ (1heart) for the singer as much the listenerm anyenough of me 3mins till 621am and yeah enough sorry though spikeing and cheating me out of a first time chilling with a older girl who i would of marriedd her and or her sister and getting spikedd me unconsious and her gearing off her head from 1111 till 1111 and then "i gotta do this to all Dawson's girlfriend$ ,,,,,, lucky now im an ugly behemoth and simpsonic homer so there is no girls that like me at all sexually or socialbiley othe ten those i fail to conversate mainly due to i think straptd hands wrists foundermentality due to my read of skull psychiatric head rivot was going to say brain then yous?/z would be say im bullshiFting though how are they monitoring my thought$ or vision interpretation$?/z| enough dan now D.O.D ? Every Step ... .... not sure iv this song is any good though lucky music finally startedd working thankyousz|}- ----