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i t . n e e d s ? z . s o m e t h i n g ? n o t . t h e . n e c r o - f y - ing - that ! this spotify found song, deftonesz feeling it not entirely actually in truth the maddness is cryable though holding in there for the hope and faith im praying and will most ensurely get devostateddd by not constructacon$ though not the one of fifty jaycar remotes?/z with the speaker and pain gauge or inflicter isnt the right terminology or descryption sorta the simpsons family therapy with mental health post mhact2014 that thank God for chandlar adding that advance statement i didnt get my unconicious cross-over$. stop. think of sarah and bung daniel. r.i.p. or what horrible bs is real post history or hsi story and room favour for unmarriedd nonsolicitatedd home not an invader. bs again dan. i cant stop im under a bs hyponsus that due to not being stonedd im being a fruitwit of no good socialiology content or use|wrong word just need another sarah = a girl that lovedd me not the misconscrewed travesty those assaultists and framers or van assistants/z to the lucky had to take a piss and missedd dans special bus stop transfer anyhow boating the stick indian?mafia and the ports radios not just motaroller control operate and radiate?that frankston station freight train and all the raw earth just a errie feel of uranium and something most sinister, thinking about it that was i think 2017 so not 2016 so i cant make the accuzation of connectivity to the Broome nukeing when north japa was due to some bs that consequentedd in a new export port being built and unlimitedd immigrations/z $20k free and $15k to the 1%er dr interest temp permenant waveredd eE |oh well george orwell nineteen seven seven and three ? some bs riddles/z i cant regulate or create these rhymeus infection reminded me then of year 7 i think or 8 and romans?/z and those twins or brothersz romulus or who ever vandals of encyclopedia ~ argus ? telstra group , what happened? those that had TLS before this TOP HAT non crap did u get some other demerger or divesstment share code addedd and ownedd on your portfolio ? like Cyldesdale and Yorkshire when NAB pulled the pin on one or ? not sure number of uk banking umbrella-ling so each NAB fully paid ordinary got ,,,,sorry every 4 i think nab shares got 1 LSE:CYB and i hate the reference to CYBorg$ poor darwin. mouthless. middle top front spire. psychiatry and dogs nispa-r/h-ing! intention to giggle with it, liver function tests/z testers?/z having fun. not u tyson. not whomb im speaking loves their job of no legal quibility. sorry staff on the 87 frequent cars?/z per half day and moments?/z before nil requiredd. tomorrow when the plane began. talking bs nonsense = google terminology and i guess i remind myself now and best save this and remind myself i need to make one defruited txt file with my explaination of ReGIftment and REGIftment amountsz as googles descryption is entirely wrong ! gtg ! ! ! ! !
5.24 PM - THURSDAY - FENBRUARY - 2023 - 02 - 02 - 1724 - | | | |
s t a r t - a g a i n !