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paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181005-DANDE.png ~ 12.52 KB . ... . . . . .
preStartJournalEntry20230218.txt ~ 1.09 KB . ... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181021-DANDE.png ~ credit$ may be given to the psychLink from i thought or was sensedd told came from a lesson from Jasmine E i think an 89 even though i countedd before superstitiously in paint with the text number sizes?/z thinking she was an 1990 though i think she is an 1989 and was my first girlfriend even though i was too fridgette to even kiss her as it happenedd due to her looking good though i was mates with her oklder brother in primary school i sent her a geocities address in i think 2000? not sure though i was in grade 7 or 8 sorry year 7 or 8 and she was still in primary school in my younger brothers year grade 5 or 6 at FCPS anyhow she said yes though over twent years later shes had kid($ and i think is marriedd to a navy touring ten grander or something the money amount is made up though isnt in sense that it was paid to 9month super villians/z in a not good case to lessen the idea of AustraliA defendedd by machine s and computers and mercenaries as i think all own army navy airforce etc are all paid help must be the reason the TV was saying about those jet fighter pilots that went over to some asian country to teach them how to fly and use the weapns bs anyow enough of me syzmese dansz|
" .......you feel it ! when the song in my mind i cant read it !
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181030-RELIGIOUS-RESEARCH-1.png ~ 13.33 KB . ... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181033-PSYCHOSIS-1.png ~ 9.23 KB .... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181037-TOOL-AGAIN-1.png ~ 28.2 KB . ... . . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181040-SAINTHOOD-1-TAKE-DANDE.png ~ 5 KB , ... ....
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181040-SAINTHOOD-ALTERED-WITH-DEBRI$-1.png ~ 5.02 KB . ... ....
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181045-SAINT-CAPTD-INAPPROPRIATELY-1.png ~ 37.07 KB . ... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181048-SAINT-CAPTD-INAPPROPRIATELY-2.png ~ 28.51 KB . ... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181051-FILTH-MOUTHS-NO_ONE_KISSES-UNLESS-1.png ~ 49,61 KB . ... ....
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181053-NO-SUCH-PSYCHIATRY-1.png ~ 6.96 KB . ... . . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181055-NO-SUCH-PSYCHIATRY-2-$UMBO-1.png ~ 7.54 KB . ... . . . .
paintFiLE-LibrarySchool-202302181110-HAND-OVER-CREW-SURGERY-Z.png ~ 19.05 KB . . . . . . .
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