u n f r e e . c o f f e e c u p . c o m

F r i d a y 2 0 z 2 1 2 0 9 1 7 3 4 . h t m l

5 . 3 4 - P M . Friday THe 9th of December 20z2 | ||| / ||||

Google Search- Hz & Dessabells

Google Search - dc & ac current and stacarto

Google Search - ac go back and forth because they are earthing ?

Google Search - ac current sways left to right ? or to a ? septar of afinity ?

Google Search - ac current and magnetizm

Google Images (random result after searching civilization ii magnetizm technology picture) - sarah = i got only mention her here because the search was for a computer game decal & i see prostethic & fear the paranoid delusion of sarah my exgf♡ being in that near kumbada train incedent awhile ago & 6.11pm 9.12.20z2 | ||| | | | | /

6 . 3 0 - P M . Friday THe 9th of December 20z2 | ||| / ||||

Google Search - tai chi magnetic human electricity
